Despite its claims, the Southern Poverty Law Center isn't at all what it claims to be. It calls itself a civil rights organization, but it's really a Left-wing hate group that likes to accuse anybody who opposes illegal immigration of racism. That includes Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Pat Buccanan, Jim Gilchrist, Mitt Romney and most of America. Plus, aren't there any Mexican-Americans who oppose illegal immigration as well? Are they racist? No! That being said, the SPLC has done some good things such as suing the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations along with other organizations that actually ARE racist, but that alone doesn't change the fact that they hate Conservatives and Republicans. For heavens sake, Julian Bond, the racist, George W. Bush hating, chairman of the NAACP is a member and former president of the SPLC. Morris Dees, please, I emplore you do your job and attack ACTUAL racists, not people with valid political opinions.